Kantha Embroidery designs Ideas:
Kantha is the society specialty of Bengal which is generally famous. It is known as the Embroidered quilt, in this embroiderys colors are dark, red, dark blue. This the essential tones. Themes made with diffrent sort of strategies as one of them is an article made of exhausted and old materials transforming them into objects of magnificence as displayed in the photos. Running fasten is the most normally utilized join that is called Kantha. The basically normal themes utilized are Palkies, Floral scribbles, Chariots and Creepers. Ordinary change the themes into like with Mirror, Umbrellas and Comb and so on.
Kantha is a centuries-old practice of sewing interwoven fabric from clothes, which advanced from the frugality of country ladies in the Bengali locale of the sub-mainland - today the eastern Indian territories of West Bengal and Orissa, and Bangladesh.
In present day use, kantha all the more for the most part alludes explicitly to the sort of join utilized. The earliest and most fundamental kantha join is a basic, straight, running line, similar to the kind utilized on our Kantha Sari Scarves.
Kantha work by shaded-beige color threads
Kantha Sarees
Over the long haul, more intricate examples created, which became known as "nakshi kantha". Nakshi comes from the Bengali word, naksha, which alludes to creative examples. Nakshi kantha is comprised of themes impacted by religion, culture and the existences of the ladies sewing them.
This generally unassuming of materials gave free rule to the minds of the ladies; kanthas recounted society convictions and practicies, strict thoughts, subjects and characters from folklore and sagas and the social and individual existences of the craftsmans; their fantasies, trusts and consistently town life. Despite the fact that there is no severe balance to nakshi kantha, a fine piece will ordinarily have a lotus as a point of convergence, with stylised birds, plants, fish, blossoms and different scenes encompassing this.
Kantha work Saree Border
In the locale of Murshidabad, West Bengal, India, where craftsmans work with an agreeable, the ladies center around a specific type of mathematical designed kantha, called standard tola. This has developed as per customary Islamic workmanship which centers around mathematical examples rather than living things.
The excellence of this kantha is that the shape is framed by circling strings on one surface just, so the opposite side of the texture stays a straightforward kantha of straight, running line, while the front side is a complex mathematical example.
Kantha Pattern
Allover Jaal by Kantha stitches
Jaal Design and Border

Tradditional Motifs
Multi color Design
How look is Kantha Stitches
Border Design
Geometric Design
Tradditional Motifs

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