Embroidery by Woolen Threads

Woolen fabrics:

    Woolen fabrics (100%)has a fairly tight weaving, so it is able to support a wide variety of embroidery designs. If you can pull the fabric fibers apart easily or the fabric feels stretchy and delicate, lighter designs might work best on that fabric.

woolen embroidery done by woolen different colors.

This Embroidery done by different colored woolen thread.

The Best Woolen Yarn Dog

Kashidakari of Kashmir


Chain Stitch

aari stitches embroidery

Chain stitch:-
    Chain Stitch and Crewel Furnishings Two chain stitch, be it is in wool, silk or cotton, is done by hook rather than any needle. The hook is referred to as Ari, and quality for quality, hook work covers a much larger area than needle work in the same amount of time. All the embroidery is executed on white cotton fabric, pre-shrinked by the manufacturers. The intrinsic worth of each piece lies in the size of the stitches and the yarn used. Tiny stitches are used to cover the entire area the figures or motifs are worked in striking colors; the background in a single color, made up of a series of coin sized concentric circles which impact dynamism and a sense of movement to a design. The background fabric should not be visible through the stitches. Crewel is basically similar to chain stitch. Its also Chain stitch done on white background, but here the motifs, mainly stylish flowers, do not cover the entire surface, and the background is not embroidered upon. Wool is almost invariably used in Crewel work and color ways are not as elaborate as in chain stitch. They make excellent household furnishings being hand or machine washable.
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